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 Many Gone, But Not Forgotten

Over the 50+ year span of my professional career, I worked in what is politely called the "service" industry, working for clients in the oil, gas, and mineral exploitation sector. My records of the first 20 years are lost to posterity and a house fire. Below is a list of companies around the world that were brave enough to contract my services, however briefly.

Clients included oil and gas companies of all sizes, mining companies, service companies, government agencies, consulting firms, and universities. This list stretches back at least 35 years, so more than a few companies have merged, sold out, changed names, or disappeared.


Here's where the work came from, often indirectly through consultants or companies working overseas from North America who needed my specialized skill set: Canada, USA, Mexico, Trinidad, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, North Sea, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Tunesia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Abu Dhabi, Azerbaijan, Angola, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia, Australia, China, Mongolia, Japan, Russia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Of these 45 countries, only 12 showed up on my passport; the rest didn't need to "see" me in person, and vice-versa.

In North Ameriaca, I worked on wells in 12 of Canada's provinces and terretories, as wel as a dozen or more  US states. I also spent much of a 10 year stretch traveling in and out of the Canadian Arctic Islands to supervise well logging operations, a country and culture more remote and vastly different than all the others.

The record below covers 1984 through 2018. The period 1973 to 1984 was lost to the Great Paper Shredder.


Acanthus  Adams Pearson  Aduro  AEC International  AEC Oil&Gas  AEUB/ERCB   AGIP Libya  AIP Ltda (Colombia)  Alberta Energy  Alberta Geological Survey  Alberta Oil&Gas  Alberta Oilsands  Alberta Research Council  Alberta&Southern  Aldon Minerals   Algeria-Libya Oil  Alkane  Amber Energy  Amerada Hess Canada  American Hunter  American Penn Energy  Amoco Canada  Anderson  Andina Bolivia  Andrews Consulting  Anhydride  Apache  Applied Reservoir Engineering  Arabian Gulf Oil  Archean  ARC Resources   ARCO Ecuador ARCO USA  Artek  Asia Technical Institute  Ashland Canada  Asia Technical Institute  Atcor  Atlas Wireline
  Aurora Energy

Baker Atlas  Baker Hughes  Ballenas  Ballistic  Bangladesh Oil and Gas  Bankers  Baytex  BC Ministry of Energy Mines and Minerals  Blackfire  Bow Valley 
BJ Services  Blaze Energy  Bonavista  Boyd Exploration  BP Canada  Briere Engineering  Brusset Consultants  Bumper  BTU Resources  Burlington

Cabot College  Calebs  Calgary Overseas  Canada Geological Survey  Canada Newfoundland Offshore  Canada Northwest Energy  Canada Oil and Gas Lands (COGLA)  Canada West Resources  Canadian Capital Energy  Canadian Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL)   Canadian Discovery Digest  Canadian Forest Oil  Canadian Fracmaster  Canadian Hunter  Canadian Occidental  Canadian Perforators  Canadian Society Petroleum Geologists (CSPG)  Canadian Superior  Canadian Worldwide  Canoro  Canterra Canyon Technical  CBM Solutions  Celcius  Cenovus  Century Frac Services  Chancellor  Charter  Chauvco Chevron  Chevron Angola 
Chevron Thailand  CIDA  Clampett  Clearbeach  CMC Argentina  CMG  CMS Energy  CNRL  Co-Enerco  Colony  Columbia Gas  Comer&Wilson  Cometra  Compton  Computalog  Comrex  Comstate  Connacher  Connaught  Contact Expl  Conwest  Conoco/Phillips  Conoco USA  Corexcal  Corexcana  Core Labs  Cossack  Crescent Point  Cressida  CR Winter Associates  CS Resources  Cuadrill  Cypress

Daqing Petroleum Expl Bureau  Davies Geological  Dee Three Resources  Deer Creek Resources  Devon
 Canada  Devon Energy  Dewinton  DIAND  Digitech International  Direct Energy  Discovery West  Dolomite Energy  Dome Petroleum  D&S Petrophysical  D&S/ARC Joint Venture

Eagle Petroleum  EBOC  ECL-Bergeson  El Paso  Element Technology  EOG Resources  EMR Canada  Emmanuel Oil & Gas  Encal  Encanto Potash  Encor  Energas  Enerplus  Enron  EOG Resources   Epic Consulting  Esso  Everest  Excel  Exoro Energy  Exploitation Technologies

Fairsky  Fina  Flowing Energy  Forcenergy Australia  Forest  Fraser  Freemont  Frontier Engineering  Fryt Petroleum  Fox
Fracturing Horizontal Well Completions Inc

Gambia National Oil Company  Gardiner  Geoquest  GEDCO  GeoCanada 2010  Geo-Resources  Geographix  Glencoe  GLJ Consulting  GMA  Grandview / Jorcan  Great Lakes Energy  Gulf Canada  Gulf Indonesia 

Halenika  Halliburton-Houston  Harvest  Hawker  HDS  HEP Oil   Hendricks Consulting  Heinemann GMBH  Highridge  Highrock   Home Oil  Hudbay  Indonesia  Hudson's Bay  Husky  Hycal


IHS Energy  Imperial Oil  Indian Oil and Gas Canada  Infiniti  Intera-ECL  Intercomp-Kanata  
Intragaz (Quebec)  Intrepid Potash  Iskander

Japex  Jordan  JVPC  James Engineering  Joli Fou
  Just Freehold

Kaiser  Keles  Kanty-Mantyski Siberia  Kelt  Kerr-McGee  Koch  Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)  Kilbrannan

LASMO Canada  Libya National Oil Company  Lionheart  LT Enterprises  Luscar

Magdelena  Mancal Energy  Manitoba Oil and Gas  Maraven  Mark  Martin&Brusset  Maxus  Maxwell  Maxx  McDaniel Consultants  McDonald Engineering  MEC Operations   Mega Engineering  MegaWest  Mercantile Peru  MGM Energy  Michigan Consolidated  Milagro  Mobil Canada  Mobil USA  Modern Log Analysis  Mogensen Engineering  Montana Expl  Murphy

NA Helium  Narayan
Consulting  National Energy Board  National Iranian Oil Company  Neft Services  Newgate  New Century  New Zealand Oil&Gas  Nexen  Nexxtep  Norsk Hydro  North Canadian  Northstar  Norvik  Norwest Corp  Novalta  Nowsco  Nuvista 

Ocelot  OGDC Pakistan  Ohio Resources  Olympia  Omega  Onarep-Morrocco  Optimus International  Opus Engineering
  OTM Consulting

Pacific Cassiar  Paddle  Paladin Projects  Pan Alberta Gas  Panarctic  PanCanadian  PanOrient  Paramount Energy  Paramount Resources  Paramount Trust  PAREX  Pembina  PEMEX  Perez Companc SA  Perpetual  PetrePetresim  PetroAmazonas/Ecuador  PetroBangla/PIU  PetroAmerica  Petrobakken  PetroBank  PetroCanada Exploration  PetroCanada International  PetroKazakstan  PetroHunt  PetroSpirit  Petroleum Research Center Libya  Petrophysical Services  Petrorep  Philippines Energy Admin  Phillips  Pinnacle Geosciences  Placer CEGO  Plains Perforating  Primewest  Primrose Ventures Provident  Protechnis  Pure Energy

QC Data  Questerre  Quintana


Rakhit Consulting  Ranger  Rathlin  Ravens Cross  Regal  Reef  Reintjes  Renaissance  Reservoir Evaluation Group  Richmount  Riley Resources  Roke  Rosetta  RPS Group  Rumanian Natl Oil Ryan Consulting

Samedan Canada  Sanjel  Sask Oil  Saskatchewan Dept of Energy  Saskatchewan Industry and Resources  SASOL  Saxony  Sceptre  Schinfield Enterprises  Schlumberger/GepQuest Canada  Schlumberger/GepQuest Denver  Schlumberger  Venezuela  Schlumberger STIM  Schlumberger CTS  Scientific Software-Intercomp  Seagull  Sekur  Senegal National Oil Company  Seven Generations  Servipetrol  Seven Generations  Shawa  Shell Canada  Sherritt International  Shiningbank  Signal Energy  Sinil Holdings  Sinopec  Sirte  SOQUIP  Southern Alberta Institute of Technology  Southwest Petr Inst/PRC  Southwestern Energy  Sproule Associates  SSI Denver  Stadnyk Consulting  Stetson  Stone Energy  Strider  Sunbird  Suncor  Sundance  Sunrise  Sunwing  Superior Oil (USA)  Suzuki  Sylhet Gas Field  Syncrude

Talisman  Tamboran  Tarragon  Tangle Creek  Teknica  Telesis  Terralliance  Texaco Canada  Texaco Angola  Texas A&M University  TG World Energy  TGS  Tiverton  Total Canada  Total France  Touchtone  Touchstone  Trans Global  Trax   Trevail Geological  TriCsn  Trident  Trilogy  Trimble Engineering  Trioco
  Triton  True Energy  T-Stone  Tucker Wireline  Tundra

Ulster  Ultramar  Unconventional Gas  Union Gas  Union Pacific  United Oil&Gas  University of Arizona  University of Calgary  University of Saudi Arabia  University of Tulsa  Universidad Veracruz  Unocal  Uranium Power

Value Creations
  VEBA Oil Libya  Velvet Expl  Veritas  Vermillion  Vietsovpetro  Voyager  VolgaNeft 

Wainoco  Warren Hunt  Wascana Energy  Weatherford  Welldrill UK  Westcan Oilmaps  Westcoast Petroleum  Western Atlas  Western Gas Marketing  Western Geophysical  Western Star
  Williston Basin Petroleum Conference

YPF Argentina  Yugraneft
  Yukon Geological Survey

Zargon  Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau  Zodiac  Zuietina

3000+  Participants Since 1988 from these Oil/Gas Companies, Government Agencies, Consultants, and Service Companies:

AEC  AGIP-Libya  AIP LTDA  Alberta Dept Energy  Alberta Geol Survey  Alberta Oilsands  Alberta&Southern  Aldon  Alksne Wellsite  Amerada  Amoco  Anderson  Angle  APA Engineering  Apache  Arabian Gulf  ARC  ATB  Atcor  Atlas Wireline  Aurora  Baker Hughes  Bangladesh Petr  Barrick  Baytex  BC Dept Energy  Belletrix  Birchcliff  BJ Services  Blackhawk  BlackShale  Bonavista  Bonterra  Bounty  Bow Valley  Boyd Expl  BP  Brusset  Bumper  Burlington  Calvalle  Canada-NF Offshore  Canada Capital  Canada West  Canada Geol Survey  Canol  Canada Northwest  Canoro  Canadian Discovery  Cenovus  Canadian Natural  Canyon Tech  CanOxy  Cavalier  CBM Solutions  Coda  Century Frac  Chapman  Chevron  Cimarex  Chinook  CoEnerco  Compton  Comer&Wilson  Computalog  Comstate  Connacher  Conwest  ConocoPhilips  Core Labs  Corexcal  Corexcana  Crescent Point  Crocotta  Daylight  Dee-Three  Deer Creek  Devon  Digitech  Direct  EarthSignal  Ecopetrol-ICP  El Paso  Encana  Element Tech  Encor  Enerplus  Enron  EOG  Equa  ERCB  Esso  Excel  Exoro  FairSky  Fianna  Freemont  Gardiner  Gas Frac  GCG Cons  GEDCO  Glencoe  Geneva Petr Cons  GLJ  GMA  Geo-Resource  Glomar Cons  Gulf  Halliburton  Hartall Cons  Hampson Russel l Harvest  Harvest Moon  Hess  Home Oil  Husky  HEF Petrophysica l Hunt Oil  IFP Tech  IHS  Impact  Imperial  Indian O&G  Intragaz  Ivanhoe  Jordan  Just Freehold  Koch  Kanty-Mansiyski  KNOC  Landmark  LASMO  Lightstream  Magellan  MAGZ Cons  Mako  Mancal  Manitoba O&G  Manitoba Geol Survey  Manitoba Dept Energy Mark   Marquis  Maxus  McDaniel  MEC Operations  Mega Engineering  MegaWest  Midale  Mobil  Moh&Assoc  Morris  Murphy  NEB  Nexen  North Canadian  North Dakota Geol Survey  Northern Blizzard  Northstar  Norwest  Novalta  Nowsco  NuVista  NWT Geoscience  Ocelot  Olympia  Omega  OMIMEX  Opus  Osum  Outtrim-Szabo  Pembina  Paladin Projects  Pan Alberta  Paramount Energy  PCS Potash  Paramount Resources  PCIAC - Gambia/Senegal  Pengrowth  Pennwest  Perenco  Perpetual  Petrel Robertson  Petro Canada  PetroBakken  Petrobangla/PCD  Petrobangla/PIU  Petrobank  Petrobras  Petrorep  PetroSpirit  Phillips  Pikaia Cons  Pinnacle  Placer-Cego  Prosper  Plains Perforating  PrimeWest  Prairie Hunter  PRD Energy  Prospect  Provident  Pure  Quatro  Quicksilver  Rakhit  Regal  Renaissance  Riley  Reservoir Dogs  Rosetta  RJK Geological  RPS Group  Rudex Geotech  SanJel  SASOL  Sask Dept Energy  Saskoil  SSI  Saxony  Sceptre  Shell  Sherritt  Schlumberger CT  SevenGenerations  Shiningbank  Schlumberger STIM  Softica  Shirkie Geological  SM Energy  Southwest Petr Inst  Sproule  Stim-Lab  Suncor  Sunset  Sunshine  Surge  Sword  Sylhet Gas  Syncrude  T-Stone  TD Energy  Talisman  Tarragon  Tangle Creek  Teknica  Telesis  Terex  Terralliance  Texaco  TGS  Terrawex  Total  Touchtone  TransGlobe  Trican  Trident  Trilogy  Trimble  Trioil  Triton  Tucker  Tundra  T-Bird  Union  Ultramar  Univ Alberta  Univ Calgary  Univ Regina  Univ Tulsa  Unocal  Value Creations  Veba-Libya  Veritas  Vietsovpetro  Voyager  Wainoco  Ward  Williston  Warrior  Weatherford  Welldrill UK  Wellsite Masters  Westcoast  Western Gas  Western Geo  Western Star  White Eagle  Yoho  Yukon Geol Survey  Zargon  Zhongyuan Petr Bureau-China  Zuietina-Libya

Copyright © 2022 E. R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng.  email