THE South  ParK  LINE (DSP&P RR)


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Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad
DSP&P Brooks 2-6-0 Mogul Locomotives

Brooks Locomotive Works was founded by Horatio G Brooks, the former Chief Engineer of the New York & Erie Railroad in 1869 shortly after the NY&E vacated its shops in Dunkirk NY. In 1872, Brooks entered the new narrow gauge market and became the No. 2 producer of locomotives following only Baldwin in production for common carrier railroads. Brooks was able to avoid bankruptcy during the financial panic of 1873 and recovered rapidly. By July 1898 Brooks completed its 3,000th new locomotive. Brooks was unable to recover to production levels preceding the financial panic of the 1890's and in 1901, Brooks Locomotive Works merged with Schenectady Locomotive Works and several other locomotive manufacturers, including Rogers, Cooke and 5 others, to form the American Locomotive Company (Alco). Click HERE for the modern history of Alco.

This page covers the 10 DSP&P 2-6-0 Moguls purchased from Brooks in 1882.


29 == 156, C&S 21 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
30 Morrison 157 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
31 Hilltop 158 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
32 == 159 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
33 Webster 160, C&S 3 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
34 Alma 161, C&S 17 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
35 Dillon 162, C&S 22 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
36 == 163, C&S 18 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
37 == 164, C&S 19 2-6-0 Brooks 1882
38 Chihuahua 165, C&S 20 2-6-0 Brooks 1882

DSP&P purchased ten Brooks 2-6-0 Mogul locomotives in 1882. These became DSP&P #29 through 38. Numbers 29, 32, 36, and 37 were un-named, the rest were given names that represented stations on the line.

They were very attractive locomotives with 15"x18" cylinders and 38" drivers.

         Brooks Locomotive Works in Dunkirk NY


They became DSP&P #156 through 165 in the 1885 UP renumbering scheme. Original #29 and 32 went to the Utah and Northern in 1887 and seven of them survived into the C&S era, with several rebuilds along the way.
These locomotives and the Cooke 2-6-0 Moguls quietly replaced all but one of the Mason Bogies by 1894.

Wouldn't it be nice to see an Accucraft model of "Dillon" sitting here?

See also CAD Drawings

DSP&P #35 "Dillon"

DSP&P #35 "Dillon"

DSP&P #35 "Dillon"

DSP&P #35 "Dillon"

DSP&P #30 "Morrison" headshot renumbered as DSP&P #157

DSP&P #30 "Morrison "Morrison" renumbered as DSP&P #157, near Keystone

DSP&P #33, renumbered as DSP&P #160



David Fletcher's CAD drawing of DSP&P #35 "Dillion", a Brooks 2-6-0 Mogul, Mar/Apr 2014 Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette. This
full size image courtesy of David Fletcher.

DSP&P 2-6-0 Brooks Mogul #30 "Morrison"

DSP&P 2-6-0 Brooks Mogul #33 (#160 after 1884) "Webster"

DSP&P 2-6-0 Brooks Mogul #35 "Dillon"

Copyright © 2022  E. R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng.  email