THE South  ParK  LINE (DSP&P RR)


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Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad
DSP&P Cattle Cars: History, Photos, Plans

The South Park had nine stock cars in their fleet. Built in 1881, these were conventional 26 foot cars with 2x4 or 2x6 slats on the sides, with outside bracing. One or more earlier stock cars were built on flatcars.


      DSP&P #1204 stock car on the author's garden railway



DSP&P RR CATTLE CARS   1874 - 1898 

85 Flatt / Stock == 26 DSP 1874 ?
1600-1606 ??
Stock 18000-18006 26 DSP 1881 ?
1607-1608 ?
Stock 18007-18008 26 DSP 1881 ?

A good photo shows a very early stock car built on a flatcar indicates that the DSP&P ran stock cars before the 1881 order for 9 cars. It seems to show a screen door instead of a slatted wooden door. This could not have held cattle on board, so the car  needs a little more clarification.

An email from John Mark Buerer provides a very plausible explanation for the screen doors. "
I think I know why it had screen doors. When my great grandfather died in Illinois, my great grandmother rented out the farm, minus the cattle, and moved to Oregon with her several young men to start a sawmill and cut timber for railroad ties, which were very much in demand. The transcontinental railroad ran trains of such cattle cars, I am told, for farmers moving their cattle West. The train stopped every morning and every evening to water cattle. Cattle went in one end (I'm sure there was a cattle fence there) and feed and provisions went in the other end, and the men slept in the middle -- hence the screen doors. If you look closely at the picture, it does appear that one or more people are standing in the middle, and that perhaps a cow or two are in the left side of the stock car. Great grandma apparently didn't want to afford the train, so she and the girls took the very long route in a wagon train!"

The1881 era stock cars were 26 feet long, built by DSP&P Shops  in Denver. The first seven had a capacity of 10 tons and the last two 12 tons.
Originally numbered DSP&P #1200 to 1208, Ron Rudnick suggests they were probably renumbered DSP&P #1600 to 1608 because a group of 1884 flatcars also carried these numbers (DSP&P #1200 to 1299).  In 1885 they received the new UP numbers 18000 to 18008. The DSP&P cattle cars showed up on the 1889 roster but none passed to the C&S, who ran quite a fleet of newer stock cars for many years.


DSP&P #6 "Tenmile" with stock car built on a flatcar #85


Enlargement of the stock car.

PLANS by John Maxwell

DSP&P 26 Foot Stock Cars 1200 to 1208


PLANS by Ron Rudnick

DSP&P 26 Foot Flat Car 85 With Stock Car Body

DSP&P 26 Foot Stock Cars 1200 to 1208


Copyright © 2022  E. R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng.  email