THE South  ParK  LINE (DSP&P RR)


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Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad

South Park Freight Car Plans

This page contains plans of Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad freight cars that have been collected over many years from various publications. They are shown in reduced size to protect the original copyright, which remains with the artist, author, or publisher.

Most plans show the equipment in its "as built" state; some show them at a specific date. Numerous updates and modifications, some unique to specific pieces of rolling stock, occurrred over the years.

Photos, folio drawings, history, and models of DSP&P rolling stock appear on other  pages  of this website -- see
Site Navigation.



DSP&P #300 - 499 Series 26 Foot Coal Car

DSP&P #300 - 499 Series 26 Foot Coal Car

DSP&P 26 Foot Reefer #506

DSP&P 26 Foot Boxcar #530 As Built

DSP&P 26 Foot Boxcar #530 As Modified

DSP&P 27 Foot Boxcar #608

DSP&P 27 Foot Boxcar #816

DSP&P 27 Foot Boxcar #816

DSP&P 27 Foot Series Boxcars after 1885

DSP&P 27 Foot 900 Series Boxcars

DSP&P 27 Foot Tiffany Patent Reefer #1059

DSP&P 27 Foot Tiffany Patent Reefer #1063 and 26 Foot Reefer #509

DSP&P 27 Foot Tiffany Patent Reefer #1050

DSP&P 27 Foot Tiffany Patent Reefer #1050

Standard Gauge Tiffany Patent Reefer
Note roof hatch and lift ring, interior cool air ducts, meat hooks on rail inside car,and end vent (1879).
Most people are convinced that DSP&P Tiffany Reefers did not have roof hatches due to the lack of
headroom in a narrow gauge car. See also Tiffany Patent.


DSP&P Waycar #64

DSP&P Waycar #6?

DSP&P Waycar #73

DSP&P Waycar #69 and #72

DSP&P Waycar #72

DSP&P Waycar #72

DSP&P Waycar #72

DSP&P Waycar #7? Part 1

DSP&P Waycar #7? Part 2

DSP&P Waycar #79 and CC #25

DSP&P Waycar #72


Copyright © 2022  E. R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng.  email