THE South  ParK  LINE (DSP&P RR)


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Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad

Locomotive Smoke Stacks and Sand Domes

The plans shown below are from various publications and are shown here for my personal reference only. The copyright remains with the artist, author, or publisher.


Locomotive Smokestacks
The most distinguishing characteristics of DSP&P locomotives are the variety of smokestacks that appeared across the early years (1875 - 1900). The image below shows Mallory Hope Ferrell's drawings from Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette of Mar/Apr 2014.


DSP&P Smokestacks: Diamond, Nesmith, Congdon, McConnell (or Pancake) styles.


Locomotive Sand Domes
Representative examples of sand dome designs of the mid 1800's from various locomotive builders, researched and drawn by David Fletcher.


Copyright © 2022  E. R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng.  email