THE South  ParK  LINE (DSP&P RR)


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Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad

Digital Art Gallery: 2-D and 3-D CAD Images of the South Park Lime


This page shows examples of superb computer aided drawings, many of which grace the walls of my office, along with some prints of watercolours on railway sublects. The CAD images are artistic renderings, in the same sense as "fine art" created by more traditional methods. See my Fine Art Gallery HERE.

Others are intended as the equivalent of scale drawings, suitable for modeling purposes. Another class of drawing is 3-D rendering that can be rotated to present a view of the object (locomotive, freight car, etc) from any viewpoint. These can be animated and used in movies, commercials, and video games. An extension of this comcept is "virtual railroading", with realistic trains running on a right-of-way with full scenic effects.

The DSP&P Mason Bogies have been favorite topics and the DSP&P Moguls and Consolodations have also represented

Scroll on down to see virtual trains (static image), Bill Gould's South Park freight cars and locomotives, David Fletcher's locomotives, Jim Wilkie's Mason Bogie decorative possibilities, and a couple of other locomotives, all in full colour.

Virtual Rsilroading with Trainz on the South Park

Running trains on a computer has a long history of evolution and improvent in operational capability and realisn. You can obtain a complete railroad subdivision for a modest fee or build your own mythical empire on your PC. You can also design a model railroad based on famous layouts, such ss my heros John Allen and Malcolm Furlow, or test run your own design alternatives that will fit your available space.

Tom Steadman (vk3tom@gmail.com) sent me a note that prompted this article, and included a few images to illustrate possibilities. He is well along in building his virtual model railway based on Andrew Dodge's well known DSP&P layout. Andrew's exquisite modeling work was  described in the Jul/Aug 2019 issue of Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette. An earlier article in a 2003 issue of Finescale Railroader has some excellent photos of the layout.

The layout was created by downloading the orginal plan from the internet and using a program called Basemapz to create the number of flat baseboards required for the plan. Some adjustment is required for the plan to work in Trainz. It's up to the user to lay the track, change the levels, and create the mountains, lakes, rivers, and floor levels with the tools in the program. There is a group of assets like walls, doors, floors, valance, celing, and other objects to complete the layout room.

Screenshot of Deansbury CO area on Tom's virtual model railway. Click image for larger version - you might see the DSP&P bogie, flat car, and boxcar towad the top left..

Rolling stock and buildings for an 1880's DSP&P railway are numerous enough.
The old DSP&P 4-4-0 #2 and Mason bogies DSP&P #8 are by Trainboi1, but these may only work in older versions of Trainz,  Other DSP&P locos (191 and 240) are by Togog, with bogies (4, 6, 15, 28, 42, 44) by Robinhoods. All these have been updated for use in the later versions of Traimz.

Screenshot of Tom's locomotives for his DSP&P virtual model railway. Click image for larger version.

also made some rollingstock --  2 waycars #64 (brown) and #76 (yellow), 2 reefers #508 and #509, both white with Tiffany lettering, flatcar #186, and boxcar #618. Trainboi1 also made waycar #64 in yellow.

Elvenor made the harp point levers in 4 types to suit Trainz. Como roundhouse comes in 3 versions -- 5 stall stone, 14 stalls after wood stalls added, and finally 9 stalls after 5 wood stalls were removed,  by Bendorsey. Colorado71 has made lots of building for the area. Textures for ground cover are by Dmdrake  and Dangavel.


William Gould's SolidWorks Images - FReight Cars
These 3-D images are from
William Gould's website, and show how he uses a software package called SolidWorks to create ultra-realistic images of railway equipment, among other things. It is really hard to believe that there is no real object forming the image - just 100's of hours of human labour at the computer. The images here have been reduced in size to protect the artist's original materials. See Bill's website for many more images, exact-scale plans, and fine art prints for sale. These images, and 1000's of others, are also available at TurboSquid (put "narrow gauge" in the search box to find there drawings).



Tiffany Reefer #1063

Some people think DSP&P Tiffany Reefer roofs could have been boxcar red. I don't agree but here it is anyway.

DSP&P Box Car #816


DSP&P Waycar #72

Bill Gould's "Solidworks" IMAGES - LOCOMOTIVES

Bill offers four art prints (all are nicely framed on my office walls). and complete blackline plans for this locomotive at 1:20.3 and 1:24 scale from his website
. The 1:24 plans complement the 1:24 scale Delton #15 "Brekenridge" and the 1:20.3 version would match the 1:20.3 scale Accucraft "Tenmile".

Bill Gould's SolidWorks rendering rotated for a left-side view

Lots of detail in this head shot

This is another of
William Gould's dramatic CAD art prints, with DSP&P "Tenmile" and a waycar, from the cover of Mar/Apr 2014 Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazwtte. You could mimic this scene with the Accucraft versions in 1:20.3 scale.

David Fletcher's 2-D CAD Deawings

David Fletcher's CAD drawings of "San Juan" appeared in the April 2009 issue of Narrow Gauge Downunder, Dave's plans and CAD imaes inspired the Accucraft 1:20.3 models. Click HERE for full size image.

David Fletcher's rear, cab and front views of "San Juan". Click HERE for full size image.

Here are David's images for DSP&P #6 "Tenmile". Click HERE for full size image.

Cab, Backhead and front views of DSP&P #6 "Tenmile". Click HERE for full size image.

David Fletcher's CAD drawing of DSP&P #35 "Dillion", a Brooks 2-6-0 Mogul, Mar/Apr 2014 Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette. This
full size image courtesy of David Fletcher.

Another fine CAD drawing by David Fletcher, DSP&P #30 "Morrison", from May/Jun 2014 NGSLG.

DSP&P #160 (#33 "Webster" before 1885) drawn by David Fletcher in Jul/Aug 2014 NGSLG.


DSP&P #51 as built, drawn by David Fletcher, in Sep/Oct 2015 NGSLG.

DSP&P #191 after 1885, drawn by David Fletcher, in Nov/Dec 2015 NGSLG.

Here are some of David Fletcher's CAD drawings of details for the Accucraft 2-8-0 Consolidation DSP #51 as built in 1880, renumbered #191 in 1885.


Jim Wilkie's CAD Drawings of possible paint schemes
The four illustrations below are renderings by Jim Wilke, a well known locomotive historian, showing the ornate striping and lettering on early DSP&P Mason Bogies. The colours are his interpretation of "what could have been" and are widely regarded as the most likely liveries, although drawings by others have been rendered with some significantly differences.




The four illustrations above are renderings by Jim Wilke, a well known locomotive historian, showing the ornate striping and lettering on early DSP&P Mason Bogies.

Other Artists and theiy south park locomotives

DSP&P #7 "Gunnison", colour rendering by Jon Davis, DSP&PHS Vol 7 Issue 4

DSP&P #3 "Oro City", another Jon Davis rendering, DSP&PHS Vol 7 Issue 4

CAD drawings of DSP&P 2-6-0 Cooke Mogul #71 from "Model Railroader" Dec 1998.

Copyright © 2022  E. R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng.  email